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Our Community

Stamp out Hunger, Tarpon Springs, Florida

Stamp out Huger, Tarpon Springs, Florida - The National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) sponsored a NATIONAL FOOD DRIVE on May 11, 2013, called, “Stamp Out Hunger,” which is the largest one-day food drive in the nation. Local carriers collect non-perishable food donations left in mailboxes and/or dropped off in post offices and once organized; they personally deliver the donations to local community food banks, shelters, and pantries. Almost 1500 local NALC branches across the nation are involved in the food drive each year. “Stamp Out Hunger” has received a multitude of accolades over the years, two of which include the Presidential Certificate of Achievement award.

DAILY DIMES® Associates participated by combining a variety of clipped coupons with a sale promotion from the local grocer. By taking advantage of DAILY DIMES® coupons, combined with sale promotions from local stores, many bottles of Hawaiian punch were purchased at no cost; that’s right, they were absolutely free. Local store promotions during that week were, “Buy one bottle of Hawaiian Punch, and get one free.” The deal paired perfectly with DAILY DIMES’ “$1 off Hawaiian Punch” coupon. So, the group scored big on one quick shopping and left the grocery stores with lots of Hawaiian Punch, as well as a variety of other nonperishable items. And best of all, the big assortment of items were acquired at small cost and dropped off by a DAILY DIMES® team member at the local Tarpon Springs Post Office. DAILY DIMES’ generous donation, made successful with the use of coupons, filled the post office’s designated donation area. The post office employees happily accepted the donated items with many thanks.

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